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So what's the big deal about getting these digestive enzymes from the diet as opposed to using the body's organs to supply the digestive enzymes? According to the research done by Dr. Howell, enzyme expert, each individual has what he calls an "enzyme potential or enzyme bank account" and when it runs out, the being's life ends. How does one's enzyme bank account get depleted? According to Dr. Howell, "heavy withdrawals, and skimpy deposits."
The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential." (Dr. Edward Howell, The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom). One of the keys to a healthy, long life is to consume dietary enzymes so that the body conserves the metabolic enzymes and uses them for other functions.
Studies show that enzymes present in raw foods do the same job as the enzymes that we make and secrete in the body and that consuming foods high in enzymes conserves our limited supply of enzymes. Cooking has been shown to destroy enzymes.Lots more information on digestive and metabolic enzymes in the book, Raw Foods Bible.
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